Friday, September 09, 2005

Latest Pew Research Poll on Bush’s handling of Katrina

Two-In-Three Critical Of Bush's Relief Efforts. Huge Racial Divide Over Katrina and Its Consequences

The American public is highly critical of President Bush’s handling of Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Two-in-three Americans (67%) believe he could have done more to speed up relief efforts, while just 28% think he did all he could to get them going quickly. At the same time, Bush’s overall job approval rating has slipped to 40% and his disapproval rating has climbed to 52%, among the highest for his presidency. Uncharacteristically, the president’s ratings have slipped most among his core constituents – Republicans and conservatives.

The disaster has triggered a major shift in public priorities. For the first time since the 9/11 terror attacks, a majority of American say it is more important for the president to focus on domestic policy than the war on terrorism. And the poll finds that Katrina has had a profound psychological impact on the public. Americans are depressed, angry and very worried about the economic consequences of the disaster. Fully 58% of respondents say they have felt depressed because of what’s happened in areas affected by the storm. In recent years, this percentage is only surpassed by the 71% that reported feeling depressed in a survey taken just days after the Sept. 11 attacks.

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted Sept. 6-7 among 1,000 Americans, including an oversample of African Americans, finds a huge racial divide in perceptions of the disaster and lessons to be learned from Katrina’s aftermath. For example, 71% of blacks say the disaster shows that racial inequality remains a major problem in the country; a majority of whites (56%) feel this was not a particularly important lesson of the disaster. And while 66% of blacks think that the government’s response to the crisis would have been faster if most of the storm’s victims had been white, an even larger percentage of whites (77%) disagree.

View complete report


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sample survey results are great for letting me know what people are thinking; they are crappy as guides for actions by politicians and especially administrators.

I do NOT want any of our elected leaders to perform their jobs so that the things they do are selected to improve their 'ratings'.

I would hope that they would select actions which they consider to be best for our nation. I want them to keep their eyes on the polls, so they will know which questions need to be explained more fully to the people. They have a responsibility to inform the public why they take the actions they take.

I know this is partly dreaming, but I really want leaders who will try to do what is best for all of us.

Comments which impugn our elected leaders based on their poll popularity results and little else are grossly unfair. Bush may be to blame, but if you want to blame him, base your arguments on facts and on an understanding of legislatively assigned responsibilities.


September 13, 2005


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